It is Wednesday. My date with finding life hacks that help us be more productive, be a better version of yourself. I do not think that anyone needs to really read this stuff if you are content with what and where you are. But the compelling reason to examine that is this: The time each one of us have is limited and doing useful productive work that contributes to better society and world will make you a happier and content human being. While looking around for clues I found Darius Foroux. He made it his life mission to focus on 4 areas – Productivity,Habits, Decision Making and Personal Finance.
To be able to focus on what you should be doing, like developing positive habits (you know your vices – junk food, no exercise, too much TV, listening to skewed news, Junk (social) media etc.). So he prescribes a radical approach. Typical advice is go incremental. Do not stack it against yourself etc. It makes sense. And in some cases it probably works. But it also provides you the option to slip back to your habits you wanted to get rid of in the first place. Instead Darius suggests that you go all in. And for that you need to be clear about changes (in habits) you want to make. The changes that will fundamentally redefine you. I have seen many examples of people who made drastic changes to dramatic end results. I will write about Rich Roll in one of the future posts. His is a story that exemplifies this approach. So back to Darius – make a list of all the undesirable habits you want to get rid of and just go cold turkey. To help you along he has made a list of 11 you may want to look at for inspiration to list and define yours :
Overworking, Worrying, Stubbornness, Ignoring Your Health, Checking Things, Not Having Goals, Saying Yes, Relying on your memory, Neglecting Your personal Education. Complaining and Lack of focus.
“By simply avoiding these unproductive habits, you’ll automatically become more productive.” You will free up mental, physical resources and time to rebuild the new habits that will define the new you.
How are your New Year Resolutions going?
Link to
Why You Can’t Break Your Bad Habits by Darius Foroux
The 10 second Darius