The Youngest (Self made) Billionaire ever
That’s right. Earlier than Bill, earlier than Marc, she is undoubtedly a child of the technology era. Yet she has nothing to do with tech.
That’s right. Earlier than Bill, earlier than Marc, she is undoubtedly a child of the technology era. Yet she has nothing to do with tech.
Sarah Lacy wrote the much read and celebrated cover story on Kevin Rose of for Business Week. From there she went on to launch one of the early experiments of independent investigative journalism with her site Pando, breaking a lot of journalistic ground.
Steve Jobs was the Founder’s Founder and continuing my post earlier this week about Guy Kawasaki here is another article by him in Cnet from way back in 2011 where he writes about his learnings from Steve Jobs. Here goes (and I love the way he launches into the list with one you can practically imagine Jobs speaking out loud).
In this very inspiring interview with Vlad Magdalin of Webflow where he talks about his story from a two member (with his brother) team, maxing out their credit card at the brink of bankruptcy to a multimillion dollar company with 150+ employees (WebFlow) he talks about taking principled decisions and that journey being squarely inspired by Bret Victor and his lecture ‘Inventing on Principle.’
At the SaaSBooMi session this afternoon Vinod Muthukrishnan the Co-Founder and CEO of Cloud Cherry a customer analytics company – gave a ring side view of the learnings, difficult path to growth and rise, and the eventual acquisition by Cisco.
Well a lot of diverse stuff. I found this interesting list by Amr Kafina a indie web developer who sourced the list from mostly public domain and aggregated the public recommendations from founders. Then he built a site where you can search these by Title, Author or the Founder who recommended that book and a link to the Amazon page for the book.