When I decided to write a daily post on Linkedin from 1st Jan 2019 it was ambitious to say the least. Audacious was more like it. My history of writing regularly, if one had to take that into account as proof of intent or probability of success, should have been a dampener. However looking back at the last 499 days it proves that nothing is permanent. Your past is not necessarily an indicator of the future. You can do what you want, if you are committed 100%.

So what knowledge can I share about that? I am convinced more than ever that I know far less than I believe I do. So, no, nothing more than what I already did in my previous 499 posts.
What I intend to do over the next 45 days is to revisit what I learnt and shared and see how they were received by all of you who read my writing, not necessarily interacting with me (we all know likes and views are poor indicators of real engagement and I do not take my several hundred thousand views seriously). But I am convinced that we are in a sharing world. And since everyone can share we have to be more discerning in what we send forward.
I would love to know what your thoughts are. What are you learning lately?