Kristin Wong wrote this interesting article for Lifehacker on the big timewasters most of us indulge in and come to regret. As we grow older we seem to recognize some of these and make amends perhaps. But recognizing these and adapting to these early can make a lot of difference to ones productivity.
Sample these from top of her charts:
1. Not asking for help: Not running to mommy for everything but one sentence with a single focused question that people can answer. Kristin asked Noah Kagan (Appsumo) “What was the single, most valuable user acquisition strategy for Mint after you hit 100K users?”
2. Trying to Make Bad Relationships Work
3. Dwelling on Your Mistakes and Shortcomings – “Learning from your mistakes is one thing. Dwelling on them wastes your time, diminishes your confidence, and keeps you from getting on with your life.” writes Kristin.
4. Worrying Too Much About Other People
It is a nice easy read and makes some great points. As we hit midweek and want to reflect briefly on ourselves this just might spark a thought that can make a big difference to our approach.
Where I learnt it #226
The Biggest Wastes of Time We Regret When We Get Older