Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler argued in their book ‘Abundance’ that exponential technologies are generating an abundance of everything. We can access world’s information, take unlimited photos and stream videos at near zero cost. Soon we will have abundance of water, energy and most commodities that function within the business models built around the principle of ‘scarcity’.
Enter the Era of Exponential Organisations.
Salim Ismail, Founder OpenExO – differentiates an ExO from a Startup in 3 primary ways.
1. ExOs are purpose oriented. ExO’s have a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP), a vision and a mission. Startups only have the last two.
2. ExO’s apply at least 4 out of the 10 ExO attributes – 5 external : Staff on Demand, Community and Crowd, Leveraged Assets, Algorithms & Engagement (SCALE). 5 internal mechanisms – Interfaces, Dashboards, Experimentation, Autonomy and Social Technologies (IDEAS). MTP+SCALE+IDEAS = ExO.
3. An ExO is a permanent state unlike “Startup”- which is essentially a launch state and transient with growth.
Powerful thoughts. Backed by loads of data and multiple tools. Take a look.
Forget startups, ExOs (Exponential Organizations) are the new way to innovate –
Exponential Thinking Required with Salim Ismail –
Salim Ismail – Death of Corporations –