One misconception many of us carry is that when in Incognito mode our browsing is private and not tracked. This is totally incorrect. What it does is that it doesn’t keep any record on the computer where it is being used. But the ISP’s and sites like Google and Facebook can see exactly what we are doing even if we are in the incognito window.
Browser compartmentalization is key, not an Incognito Window. Michael G. a novelist, journalist, and former screenwriter, wrote this very detailed primer in Fast Company on setting up two separate browsers – one for logging into sites you need to – Banks, Facebook (or other social sites) etc where you need your previous history for a better experience. And move all searches and every day use to another browser altogether, where you set up a VPN and strong privacy extensions to keep most of your browsing away from the prying eyes of the data guzzling monoliths.

I strongly recommend you walk yourself through and spend some time this weekend securing your data. Start by stopping the free giveaways of your own information.
Where I learnt this #413
Incognito mode won’t keep your browsing private. Do this instead