Steli Efti is one entertaining speaker and I had the opportunity to listen to him at Hypergrpwth SFO a few years back. He spoke at SaaStock last year (profanity alert) on designing a killer sales call. His 5 point formula –
1. Reach People
2. Sound Good
3. Ask Questions
4. Manage Objections
5. Close.
Since at some point we all need to talk to our customers pre sales – while qualifying – you need to be clear that a call with a prospect could be one powerful tool to understand real objections and reasons why people would buy your product or not.

The biggest problem according to Steli? Most sales people don’t ask for commitment at the end of a sales call. According to him the most powerful question that will help you decipher the buyers roadmap to a sale is –
“What would it take for you to become a customer of ours?”
See the key here? The buyer needs to tell you that he will close.
Where I learnt this #403
How to Design a Killer SaaS Sales Call