Running a business while raising kids can be challenging. There are a lot of decisions, example setting etc that one needs to focus on. In this context I always remember a lecture by Desh Deshpande at a TiE Conference in California nearly two decades back. He said “In life we all have many balls in the air that we are juggling between – ambition, career, hobbies, dreams, family…all of these balls are made of rubber except one. All the ones made of rubber will bounce back up even if you drop them once in a while. But there is one that is made of glass and you better not drop it. It is the ball of Family”. I never forgot that.
So what are parents of successful children doing differently? In this article for Inc Christina DesMarais lists the following. Some, counter intuitive.
1. Don’t tell them they can be anything they want.
2. Eat dinner as a family.
3. Enforce no-screen time.
4. Work outside the home.
5. Make them work.
6. Delay gratification.
7. Read to them.
8. Encourage them to travel.
9. Let them fail.
The article refers to a lot of related studies that back up these traits. May be you already do most of these. Even then it is a useful read.
Where I learnt this # 282
Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things