While we try to take more trains to help the environment and use that time to watch more videos on our streaming devices, we need to think.
According to Tyler Hamilton and his post in MaRS DD website Cisco states that 80% of all data flowing through the internet comes from videos – Youtube, Netflix, Prime Video, WhatsApp et all. Not only that with IOT becoming all pervasive – machines talking to machines all the time that is “tens of billions of devices and the infrastructure required to store, manage and transmit trillions of gigabytes of data.”
Data centers around the world will consume as much electricity as would Canada by 2022. If you account for a major part of this consumption coming from China and India you can be sure that much of that electricity is coming from burning fossil fuels.
A lot of experiments are on but not enough and not soon enough. Big tech listening?
Where I learnt this #404
How our streaming habits are hurting the environment