A lot of what we do online, posting videos, writing blogs or articles has been driven by the desire to garner likes. Now every company is a media company, inbound is your go to market tool driven by original content, in turn driven by likes, click-baits and similar basic appeals – it is time to stop and think.

I read this very well argues article by James Somers in The Atlantic which deals with exactly this. Every content creator is up at night wondering “…how to improve the performance of their stories against some engagement metric. And it’s easy enough to see the logical consequence of this incentive: At the bottom of article pages on nearly every major content site is an “Around the Web” widget powered either by Outbrain or Taboola. These widgets are aggressively optimized for clicks…. And you can see that it’s mostly sexy, sexist, and sensationalist garbage. The more you let engagement metrics drive editorial, the more your site will look like a Taboola widget. That’s the drain it all circles toward.”
There are some powerful thoughts that all of us who want to create content as a go to market strategy need to think about. Highly recommended.
Where I learnt this # 255
The Like Button Ruined the Internet https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-like-button-ruined-the-internet