State of Digital Selling with LinkedIn, 2019
Vengreso, a digital sales training and LinkedIn profile makeover company has published a report on the State of the Digital Selling with Linkedin, 2019.
Vengreso, a digital sales training and LinkedIn profile makeover company has published a report on the State of the Digital Selling with Linkedin, 2019.
From time to time shortcuts to success ideas become alluring enough. A recent study by HBR found that CEO’s work on an average 62 hours a week and attends 37 meetings. How do they manage to get work done?
Jason M. Lemkin answers questions in Quora. In thousands. His answers have been viewed over 50 million times. Sometimes he writes about questions that will be asked. This post on loosing customer was one such.
David Cummings writes mostly short pointed posts which I find thought provoking. A post last month was on how a simple question “How did you come up with the idea for your company?” mostly get meandering uninteresting unmemorable responses.
It is known that the exponential growth we enjoyed thanks to Moore’s law is now leveling off and our ability to drive down the size of transistors using silicon is coming to the end of its road.
I was speaking with Diane Helbig on her new book ‘Succeed Without Selling’ for our new Podcast Series “Bits About Books” which debuts 1st September 2019. And it was quite a ride.
You believe you are smart, rational and always taking the best decisions the situation permits. Well, think again.
Richard Thaler, the Nobel Laureate economist thinks otherwise and Eshe Nelson says, you would do better to pay attention.
Anyone who leads a sales organisation knows how frustrating predicting revenue is and how that can lead to scrambles end of each quarter rolling out unreasonable price discount based offers to make the ends meet.
I love to dig through Jason Cohen’s (CTO WP Engine) posts and look what I found – The Fermi estimation for Startup business models. This is an interesting and quick method to figure if your estimates have any legs at all. So what is Fermi’s Problem? Wikipedia says “ The estimation technique is named after physicist Enrico Fermi as he was known for his ability to make good approximate calculations with little or no actual data. Fermi’s problem typically involve making justified guesses about quantities and their variance or lower and upper bounds.”
We have all heard it before. Why we strive to be the one to be disrupting – build the next Door dash, AirBnB, why Amazon even. Noam Cohen in his piece ‘Seeing Through Silicon Valley’s Shameless Disruption’ in Wired provokes some critical thoughts.