In the Microsoft paper on ‘The Open Secrets of Buyer Seller Alignment’ the chapter on buyers journey opens with the above comparison :
Sellers think that Buyers Want :
- to get most info from sales reps
- reps to reach out to them
- personal relationships Actually Buyers
- want information online
- want to reach out to sales reps
- prefer not to be contacted by phone.
An in-depth study of B2B Buyers by Steve W.Martin outlines two primary reasons customers dislike meeting sales people :
1. Sellers have their own agenda and pressure buyers to help them achieve it (44%)
2. Sellers only care about themselves and making the sale (25%)
In ‘What Sales should know about Modern B2B buyers’ report form Gartner points out that ‘customer improvement’ tend to be more effective at driving both retention and growth. Account managers should :
- Provide customer with unique perspectives
- Offer customers vision of improvement for their business
- Explain potential ROI of taking action on an improvement opportunity.
B2B Buyer Research Reveals Key Mistakes Salespeople Make
What Sales Should Know About Modern B2B Buyers