At work, in life, what makes for a lasting relationship the bedrock for happy productive associations? When you interview a new potential coworker what is likely to indicate that this person will not be a jerk. What personal friendships worked and why did they work? Which ones failed and why?
Thomas Koulopoulos, Founder of the Delphi group writes about this very complex problem and suggests a very simple solution.
But first here is a riddle :
“You’re in a nondescript room with two doors. One leads to heaven and one leads to hell. In front of each door is an identical twin. There is no way to tell them apart. One always lies and one always tells the truth. You do not know which is which. What single question could you ask either one to lead you to heaven’s door?”
The solution it seems lies in your ability to decipher if the person has or lacks ‘empathy’ – can he step out of his own shadow and think from the others point of view? If not, you are likely inviting trouble.
Empathy or the lack of it is the root cause for a successful or unsuccessful hire or relationship. Read the article for the solution of the riddle. Trust me, it will be well worth the 7 mins you will spend.
Where I learnt this #331
The single most important interview technique that nearly everyone leaves out