Strangely this motto of PitchLink – our buyer seller engagement platform, jumps right out of the new Gartner CSO Update on the new B2B buying journey. Gartner is calling it ‘Buyer Enablement’ – a term that is gaining traction over the past couple of years. So what do you enable? According to Brent Adamson (check out his entertaining and educative video in the link below) the buyer needs to complete 6 jobs and selling organisations need to focus on information excellence at each stage to assist the buyer ‘complete’ her jobs at each stage to be able to complete the sales process.

What are these jobs? Problem identification, Solution exploration, Requirements building, Supplier Selection, Validation and Consensus creation. No wonder the selling organisation is not in the cycle until it is very late into this process. Buyers also need to resolve conflict amongst the stakeholders all of whom have come with their own set of findings and data. This is an emerging area of information and should get your attention. Read the article as well as the report linked below.
What are your experiences?
Thanks to Kevin Dixon I found a post on this report by Lee Durham. It is a great read!
Where I learnt this #389
The New B2B Buying Journey
Link to download the report is in the link above.