Continuing on my Previous Blog – on addiction templates in apps, I was wondering if there is any basis to our large scale social behavior of New Year Resolutions. Why some carry them through and most don’t. Well it seems there is some basis.
Susan Shain, in her very readable article in The New York Post, quotes Charles Duhigg, Author of “The Power of Habit” –
What is magical is our mind’s Capacity to create new narratives for ourselves and to look for events as an opportunity to change the narrative.
Charles Duhigg
She also quotes James Clear, author of the new book – Atomic Habits and the “two minute rule” as a beginning of new habits (a new way to explain why taking the first step is critical. Building disincentives in (disconnecting your TV or even putting it into a closet post watching) can help with less binge watching &, perhaps, read more.
She quotes the study by Dai, Milkman and Riis – The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior. The premise is that we create ..”many new mental accounting periods each year, which relegate past imperfections to a previous period, induce people to take a big-picture view of their lives and thus motivate aspirational behaviors,”
For more, please click on the links below