Rarely you come across articles penned by Presidents of a country talking about technology and what it can do for the citizens. Kersti Kaljulaid, the 5th President of Estonia writes this passionate piece on the systems and investments that Estonia made to ensure the citizens could live most of their lives digitally, safe guarded by Block chain technology.

Estonia’s tech focus came about mostly in the quest for developing a new modern society for the poor underdeveloped nation. It was the first to introduce secure digital identities for all.
She writes “Estonians have had digital ID cards for nearly two decades. We can use these chip-enabled cards as an identification document while crossing borders in Europe, sign and timestamp documents, apply for different public services, pay fines and taxes online ….or simply send encrypted emails…a fully recognized online passport for our citizens.” And this was followed by a modern supporting legal framework. This is saving Estonia 2% of GDP.
This is an eye opener and gives a glimpse of the sweeping change technology is making around the globe already. If you are thinking of opportunities and impact of tech, read this.
Where I learnt this #305
Estonia is running its country like a tech company