Tom Tunguz followed up his article on free trials survey ( presented at Saastr 2019) with another insightful post on assisted and unassisted free trails. They are linked and should be read together. The key points that you need to dig deeper into are :
Un-assisted free trial benefits
1. Capturing buyer at the ‘point of maximum intent’
2. exposure to a large user base
The associated costs –
1. Unassisted free trial accounts would most likely be smaller
2. Supporting free customers could be expensive
3. Lot more bugs are likely to be surfaced – damaging the brand – but also providing the opportunity to improve the product.
4. Could lead to a fork in the product – unassisted for SMB’s and assisted for Enterprise customers.
Challenges? Sales folks can gloss over faults, pay more attention to low value customers and leave more productive enterprise customers un attended.
Read the full article.
Should your Startup Employ both assisted and unassisted trials to acquire customers?
Top 10 Learnings from the Redpoint free trial survey